






Exponential Equations I

Exponential Functions

The Exponential Function Base e

The Logarithm Function

Logarithmic & Exponential Equations II

Applications:Growth & Decay






Exponential Equations:


Definition: An exponential equation is an equation where the variable is in the exponent.


Examples of Exponential Equations:  2x = 64;    92x – 1 = 729;      500(1.02)x – 1 = 897.56


Theorem:  If  ax = ay, then x = y.    In words:  If an exponential equation has the bases equal, then the exponents must be equal. 

This theorem gives us our strategy for solving exponential equations, namely convert each side of the equation to a common base.


Text Box: Steps for solving:
·	Convert both sides of the equation to a common base
·	Isolate the power containing the exponent
·	Equate the exponents using the above theorem
·	Solve the resulting equation









Note:  Exponential equations may also be solved by taking logarithms of both sides of the equation.  This method will be discussed in lesson 6



Example 1:  Solve for x.











Example 2:  Solve for x.  Check # b.










Exponential Growth and Radioactive Decay are applications of exponential equations.


Example 1:


A bacteria culture doubles in size every 10 minutes.   It’s growth is measured by the following formula:


                                                 ,  where

·        A is the number of bacteria after the given time frame

·        A0 is the starting number of bacteria

·        2 is the growth factor

·        t is the total time elapsed in the experiment

·        d is the doubling period


How many bacteria will there be in the culture after 1 ½ hours if there were 20 bacteria in the original culture?




A  = ?

A0 = 20

   t = 1 ½ h = 90 min

  d = 10 min.









  Therefore there will be 10 240 bacteria in the culture after 1 ½ hours.


Note:  The half-life of a radioactive substance is the period of time a given amount will decay to half of it’s original amount.


Example 2:

The half-life of radioactive radon is 4 days.  I t decays according to the formula below:

                         ,  where

·        A is the mass remaining after the decay period

·        A0 is the original mass of radioactive material

·        ½ is the decay factor

·        t is the total time elapsed

·        h is the half-life of the material


If the amount remaining after 40 days is 6.5 g, calculate the original amount.





A = 6.5 g

A0 = ?

  t = 40 days

  h = 4 days




















Therefore the original mass was 6656 g.


Note: An equivalent formula for radioactive decay is:    



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