





Arithmetic Sequences

Geometric Sequences

Arithmetic Series

Geometric Series

Sigma Notation

Mathematical Induction








Arithmetic Sequences:

A sequence such as –2, 3, 8, 13, … is called an Arithmetic Sequence.  These sequences have the following properties.

·        Terms are denoted as t1 , t2 , t3 , referring  to term1, term 2, term 3 …

·        The difference between successive terms is constant.  ie  t2 – t1 = t3 – t2 = t4 – t3  etc

·        This difference is called the common difference and denoted using the letter d.  Here d = 5.

·        The first term is denoted using the letter a.  Here a = -2.

·        Successive terms are found by adding the common difference, d, to the preceding term.  Hence t5 = 13 + 5 = 18 etc.

·        The formula for the general term or nth term is   tn = a + (n – 1)d

·        Arithmetic sequences are linear functions with domain the natural numbers N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …}


Text Box: a = t1 = first term
d = common difference
n = term number
tn = nth term or general term







Arithmetic Series:


Definition: The sum of the terms of an arithmetic sequence is an Arithmetic Series.

Text Box:                                                                                                             

Text Box: n = the number of terms
t1 = a = the first term
tn = l = the last term
d = the common difference
Sn = the sum of the series










a = 255

d = -4

n = ?

tn = 3

Sn = ?



Geometric Sequences:

A sequence such as  2, 4, 8, 16, 32,  … is called a Geometric Sequence.  These sequences have the following properties.

·        Terms are denoted as t1 , t2 , t3 , referring  to term1, term 2, term 3 …

·        The ratio of any term to the term preceding is constant. 

·        This ratio is called the common ratio and denoted using the letter r.  Here r = 2.

·        The first term is denoted using the letter a.  Here a = 2.

·        Successive terms are found by multiplying a given term by the common ratio.  Eg.   t6 = 32 x 2 = 64 etc.

·        The formula for the general term or nth term is   tn = arn-1.

·        Geometric sequences are exponential functions with domain the natural numbers N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …}

Text Box: a = t1 = first term
r = common ratio
n = term number






Geometric Series:


Definition: The sum of the terms of a Geometric sequence is a Geometric Series.

Text Box: n = the number of terms
t1 = a = the first term
r = the common ratio
Sn = the sum of the series

Text Box:







a = 4

r = 2

n = ?

tn = 1024

Sn = ?




Sigma Notation:





Mathematical Induction:


Axiom of Mathematical Induction:

If a certain hypothesis is true for a finite set of natural numbers S, we need to show that the set S equals N, the set of all natural numbers.

The following axiom of induction will assist us in this quest.





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